It has been a pretty large break since I have last touched this site. Sorry I am not coming back with something more meaningful than jsut a blog entry but I don't really have anything else for the site yet. In case you missed it though, fo commemorate hitting 10k views on this site, I released Peggle Junior, my first publicly released Peggle Nights level pack. It contains over 50 levels and I spent quite a while making it, so if you have any interest, I would really appreciate anyone checking it out. I am rather pleased by how it has been doing so far and am very grateful to anyone who went to check it out from neocities. I edited the trailer for it myself too in Vegas, which was really fun. I recorded the gameplay in OBS, hit some decent shots, then cut it all together. On an unrelated note, I started working in Godot recently. I never switched over to Gamemaker Studio 2 when that came out, and did not particularly feel like learning it over just sticking with Gamemaker 1, so when push came to shove, I just decided to outright make the change to Godot, as it seems like a much better engine for the long term, especially with the ease of 3D development in it. So far, I have mainly been working on my 3D platformer in it, but would like to start a 2D project soon. Maybe even one small enough to host here, playable in browser. Stay tuned for that.
I have been in a slight gaming drought recently, but have started finding my footing again. I Finished Drakengard 3 a while ago and really enjoyed it. I played through Catherine (PS3 Version) and also had a great time wih it. I also did a playthrough of Minecraft for the first time since high school, about ten years ago. I beat it on Hard mode, I think for the first time ever, which was neat. After getting credits, I really lost a lot of interest though. I played totally vanilla, so there was not really a lot of compelling content left for me. Most recently, I just finished a kaizo hack of Super Mario World called Super Sauna World 2 by Pnaha. It was a rather enjoyable hack, with some levels really being excellent.
Now with all those games finished, I have started playing the new fanmade pc port of Sonic Unleashed, picking up my score grind on NES Tetris (current pb 350k), and am about to start Persona 4 Golden. Depending on how P4G goes, I may push it to a later date when Xenoblade Chronicles X comes out on the switch. I am not certain though, as I already played XCX on my Wii U back in the day, and kind of don't like it very much. XC1 and XC3 are absolutely amazing games, but XCX and XC2 are both not my favorite, by a lot. Once I finish any one of these games, most likely Sonic Unleashed first, I am considering playing another mystery dungeon game. I very much enjoyed Shiren the Wanderer 6, so maybe I will try the DS Shiren next. I also am interested in the Torneko games, as I love dragon quest, but am not sure about the torneko games, as I believe none of them are localized.
I watched a few more episodes of Lain this week. I am really enjoying the show's visuals. Shot composition, lighting choices, and color choice is all stunning. It is so eerie and distinct. Oh I don't know if I mentioned this at all, but my mom and I finished watching Breaking Bad in its entirety for the first time ever, and have since started Better Call Saul. Breaking Bad was absolutely one of the most impressive and evocative pieces of media I have ever interacted with. It is by no means overstated how impactful and culturally relevant this series is. It is a modern masterpiece and a touchstone of the 2010's. It will no doubt be immortalized as one of television's greats for decades to come.
I think that's all I have for you for today.
-Jake Spondulio
Site of the day: nicegirlslumber