Like everyone else online, I too have been captivated by the charms of Mindwave and its enthralling demo. There is nothing I can really say about it that hasn't been said before but it is truly amazing and whlly exciting. I have nothing but confidence and faith in the team to be able to make a full game at the same level of quality presented here. Every aspect of the demo is so excellent. I played through it a few times on my own to talk to everyone, and have since watched a friend play it on a call, and we voiced the characters together, which is always a ton of fun. If you have not seen the game PLEASE try the demo.
I tried getting a media player set up on my Wii U using a homebrew app for the vWii so I could watch Lain on my crt. I got it working, but there was a massive issue with stuttering and not being able to play the video at full speed. As such, I caved and just watched episode one on my pc. It was very cool, but it only reinforced my desire to be watching it on CRT lol. I might do a little more experimentation for how I could get it on my crt. In other anime related stuff, I watched a few episodes of Excel Saga, which is a weird old comedy anime. It's pretty unique and has a lot of charm. The humor is pretty solid overall, and I think I will watch more of it soon.
Now that I have remade my homepage to look less bad, I feel like I should do the same with most of my pages, but I don't really know where to start. I am not much of a visual artist, and even less so a graphic designer, which is apparent from the way this site looks lol. I'd like to make my site look a little less amateurish though, but have yet to really use any asssets/css that myself did not make, so I am not really interested in using premade assets and layouts. I think I should start with revamping my about page, as it has basically been obseleted by my new homepage. Also would like to release Peggle Junior soon, so I will redo my peggle page when that is ready.
Sorry for the short one, but I think that's all I have for you for today.
-Jake Spondulio
Site of the day: Ovengoats